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Entrepreneur Programs

Entrepreneur Programs

Canada will support your company's growth as you collaborate with other qualifying small businesses and startups to strengthen the economy and provide jobs for Canadians and other permanent residents like yourself.

Federal Entrepreneur Program

*This programme was closed, and it is not probable that it will be restarted. For managing, founding, or acquiring at least 33.33% of the equity in a Canadian business that qualifies and adds at least one new job to the economy, qualifying applicants and their immediate families will be awarded permanent residence in Canada.

Federal Startup Visa

An approved Canadian private sector organization's money and experience can help business owners expand their operations in Canada, and in exchange for boosting the country's economy and opening up job possibilities for both citizens and residents, they will be granted a Canadian Startup Visa. Contrary to Federal Entrepreneur or Immigrant Investor programmes, candidates are not needed to contribute any of their own money in order to meet the program's eligibility requirements. Instead, they need to get at least one or more specified organisations to invest venture capital or angel money in them.

Quebec Entrepreneur Program

You can be qualified for a Business Entrepreneur Visa by starting or buying a business in the province of Quebec if you are an experienced management or businessperson with a basic understanding of French. For foreign enterprises, the Quebec Entrepreneur Program offers two tracks.

Provincial Nominee Programs for Entrepreneurs

The Provincial Nominee Program's entrepreneur stream allows several provinces to propose candidates. Providing you meet the province's eligibility standards and are interested in establishing down and running a business there, you may be nominated for permanent residence.